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Many people are nervous about having a digital rectal exam. Perhaps you worry it will be painful or embarrassing. Although it can be a bit uncomfortable, rest assured it is a routine part of men’s and women’s health checkups.

Why would I need this test?
The digital rectal exam detects hemorrhoids, anal warts and other rectal problems. You would have this test if you have rectal bleeding, a change in bowel habits or problems with urination.

In men, the digital rectal exam may be part of the prostate exam to detect growths or enlargements of the prostate gland. After talking about the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening with your doctor, this exam may be part of your regular checkup. Not all prostate problems can be detected with the digital rectal exam.
In women, the test is done as part of the pelvic exam, which includes the Pap test. The exam can detect problems in the uterus and ovaries. You may have a digital rectal exam if you have pelvic pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding.

How do I prepare for this test?
No special preparation is necessary for the examination. Tell your doctor about any hemorrhoids or fissures, which can cause pain during the exam. Fissures are cuts or broken skin along the anus.

How is this test performed?
The exam takes a few minutes.

First, you will undress from your waist down. You’ll probably put on a hospital gown or be given a cloth to wrap around your waist.

Men. A man may have the exam standing up while bending forward or while lying on his side with knees tucked into the fetal position. A doctor gently inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and examines the rectal wall surface for lesions, or for an abnormally firm area that might indicate cancer. Your doctor may ask you to bear down like you’re having a bowel movement, as this relaxes the rectal sphincter. The doctor also examines the size and characteristics of your prostate. The prostate gland is next to the rectum, and many cancers form in the part of the gland that can be reached by a rectal exam. The doctor may also take a stool sample to check for the presence of blood in the stool (fecal occult blood test).
Women. Women may have the exam while on the exam table with feet still in stirrups as part of the gynecological exam. A doctor gently inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and examines the rectal wall surface for lesions, or for an abnormally firm area that might indicate cancer. Your doctor may ask you to bear down like you’re having a bowel movement, as this relaxes the rectal sphincter. Part of the cervix and uterus can be examined during the rectal exam, especially if the uterus is shifted toward the back. The exam can sometimes help detect cancer of the uterus or ovaries. The doctor may also take a stool sample to check for the presence of blood in the stool (fecal occult blood test).

What happens if an abnormality is found?
Because the digital rectal exam is a screening tool, more testing is needed if an abnormality is detected.

Men. If a suspicious lump or area is found and the doctor suspects a prostate problem, you need a protein-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, transrectal ultrasound or a biopsy of the prostate.
Women. If a problem is detected during the gynecological exam, your doctor may follow up with an ultrasound or other imaging test to examine the ovaries and uterus in more detail.

In men or women for whom a doctor suspects a rectal problem, more exams will be suggested.

Are there any risks associated with this test?
There is usually no risk with the exam. You may feel slight discomfort, some pressure or the need to urinate.

What is a desirable result?
A normal rectum should feel smooth without abnormalities or unusual lumps, swelling or tenderness. In men , the prostate should be symmetrical, about the size of a walnut, and lack any nodules. In women, the reproductive organs should feel normal, without enlargement, tenderness or masses.

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